Browse Items (123 total)

  • Collection: Curated Research

Intersections. A Reading of Sade with Bataille, Blanchot, and Klossowksi

Argues that Sade undermines hierarchical distinctions which, according to Gallop, are the foundations of Western philosophy. In his works, Sade deconstructs sexual hierarchies and conventions, gender binarism, as well as the distinction between…

Special Section: Interdisciplinary Integration: The real Grand Challenge for the life sciences?

This set of articles considers how integration manifests in interdisciplinary contexts. Integration as a topic of philosophical investigation extends beyond socio-political philosophy and into philosophy of science and interdisciplinary theory. These…

The Republic of Letters

A ground-breaking consideration of the social history of gender in the Enlightenment. As well as an invaluable source on the social history of the Enlightenment overll, this study gave rise to a meaningful and revaling debate about the lack of…

The Incorporeal: Ontology, Ethics, and the Limits of Materialism

A book that responds to many of the different flavors of contemporary materialist theory by offering a model of the ethical commitments many find lacking from some of the more radical new materialisms. The book assembles an incredibly useful,…

Slave Biographies, Atlantic Database Network

Slave Biographies: The Atlantic Database Network is an open access data repository of information on the identities of enslaved people in the Atlantic World. It includes the names, ethnicities, skills, occupations, and illnesses of individual slaves.…

Cinema and Experience: Kracauer, Benjamin, Adorno

Hansen explores the promise of cinema as it defined and changed the notion of experience in modernity and modernist thinkers. Here Hansen proposes a materialst theory of the cinema to help work understand the radical potential that the cinema and…

"The Evolution of Climate Ideas and Knowledge"

Begins by examining the "new science of the seveneteenth century" in enlightenment Europe. Heymann shows that the new science of observation, especially scientific weather observation, led to the evolution of climate ideas and knowledge in nineteenth…

Critique of Instrumental Reason

A series critical essays that connect the rise of Enlightenment thinking with the emergence of state bureaucratic apparatuses that oppress human societies through a distinctive form of ‘instrumental rationality’.

Critical Theory: Essays

Collection of Horkhiemer's early essays that define the program of critical theory. Includes seminal essays such as "Traditional and Critical Theory" and "The Latests Attacks on Metaphysics," providing background and context for many of the wartime…

Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments

Perhaps the most canonical work of Marxist critical theory in the twentieth century, Horkheimer and Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment investigates how the project of the Enlightenment transforms into a logic of domination and instrumentalization in…

Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments

A landmark text critiquing the universalizing project of the European enlightenment. It argues the so-called promises of the intellectual movement remain unfulfilled, as does the forward-moving, developmental picture of history as a progressive…

Hiroshima o mochikaetta hitobito: “Kankoku no Hiroshima ha naze umareta no ka (Bringing back Hiroshima: The birth of “Hiroshima in Korea”)

This book is about Korean survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Although little-known, approximately 1 in 10 people victimized by the bombs were Koreans who had come to Japan since the turn-of-the-century. Their history…

Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats

Investigative journalism at its best, Full Body Burden tells a story of people and community in Rocky Flats near Denver, Colorado, where a secret nuclear power plant was a major site of employment in the region throughout the 1960s and 1970s.…

Dreadful Visitations: Confronting Natural Catastrophe in the Age of Enlightenment

Edited collection of six articles that explore eighteenth-century catastrophes around the globe. Studies consider questions of risk, vulnerability, resilience, colonialism, and the human role in creating "disasters."

Half-Lives & Half-Truths: Confronting the Radioactive Legacies of the Cold War

This anthology reveals the still-unfolding legacies of the nuclear age. Focusing on on a range of locations including Marshall Islands, Hanford, US Southwest, Alaska, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Hiroshima, fifteen contributing anthropologists shed light…

England's Dreaming: Sex Pistols and British Pun

The best overview of punk's emergence, with a focs on UK bit also taking in the US. Savage locates the impulses and aesthetics that informed punk in their historical context to explain why the culture(s) that developed still appear so resonant

Critique of the Faculty of Judgment [Urteilskraft]

Received most often as Kant’s aesthetic treatise, but also understood as his mature political treatise (cf., Hannah Arendt’s “ectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy). Unlike most aesthetic treatises before and since, this one privileges natural over…

“The Morality of Plagiarism: Voltaire, Diderot and the Legacy of Graffigny’s Cénie.”

Explains how Graffigny’s play, which was a great success from its first performance until the end of the author’s life, later falls into oblivion due to evolving attitudes toward plagiarism. Kelley argues that accusations of plagiarism in reviews…

The Ancient Maya: New Perspectives

Excellent survey of late-Maya civilization, focusing on the Post-Classic period from the 10th-16th centuries and into Spanish contact, running through the "long colonial period" up to the end of the 18th century. Relevant for the newer emphasis that…