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  • Tags: slavery

Ecclesiastical and Secular Sources for Slave Societies (ESSSS)

The ESSSS project, directed by Jane Landers and administered at Vanderbilt University, digitally preserves endangered ecclesiastical and secular documents related to Africans and African-descended peoples in slave societies. The ESSSS Digital Archive…

Slave Biographies, Atlantic Database Network

Slave Biographies: The Atlantic Database Network is an open access data repository of information on the identities of enslaved people in the Atlantic World. It includes the names, ethnicities, skills, occupations, and illnesses of individual slaves.…

Transatlantic Slave Trade Database

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database has information on almost 36,000 slaving voyages that forcibly embarked over 10 million Africans for transport to the Americas between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. The actual number is estimated to…