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Worksheet on the Hiroshima Maidens

Worksheet on the Hiroshima Maidens Accessible.pdf
This is an in-class assignment about the "Hiroshima Maidens," Japanese women whose faces had been severely scarred by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945, who came to the United States in the mid-1950 to receive "corrective" surgeries. The…

Comparative History of Sexuality, Health, and Illness

Comparative History of Sexuality, Health, and Illness Accessible.pdf
The history graduate course explores histories of sexuality, health, and illness in the contexts of colonialism and post-colonialism between the mid-nineteenth century and the end of the twentieth-century, with a focus on pertinent issues such as…

The Imperative of Integration

This book examines racial segregation and integration from the perspectives of political philosophy and social science. The author argues for the democratic advantages of integration as a social practice.

Oral histories of North and South American survivors of the atomic bombs

Consisting of fifty-six oral histories of survivors collected by Mexico-based artist Shinpei Takeda from 2005 to 2010, as well as seventy-three oral histories of U.S. survivors and their supporters collected by US historian Naoko Wake from 2010 to…

Half-Lives & Half-Truths: Confronting the Radioactive Legacies of the Cold War

This anthology reveals the still-unfolding legacies of the nuclear age. Focusing on on a range of locations including Marshall Islands, Hanford, US Southwest, Alaska, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Hiroshima, fifteen contributing anthropologists shed light…

Mémorial Cap 110

Commemorates the victims of the 1830 shipwreck of a slave ship along the coast of Martinique, as well as other victims of the slave trade. Fifteen human figures stand in a triangular formation facing the sea, orientated at the exact latitude of the…