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The Enlightenment legacy is under siege. Defend it.

Linker defines Enlightenment legacies as "individualism, international commerce and trade, moral cosmopolitanism, freedom of the press and a culture of publicity, technological modernity, the valorization of expertise" and defends them against…

FRN 825:The Marquis de Sade: From materialist philosophy to popular culture and feminist theory

Dr. Grey gives a lecture on the philosophical debates between materialists and theologians in Western Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, focusing on Descartes, La Mettrie, and Sade.

FRN 825:The Marquis de Sade: From materialist philosophy to popular culture and feminist theory

Dr. Steinberg gives a lecture on the relationships of Sade with the French Revolution.

FRN 825:The Marquis de Sade: From materialist philosophy to popular culture and feminist theory

FRN 825 The Marquis de Sade.pdf
A graduate seminar that examines Sade's work (La Philosophie dans le boudoir) and his adaptation of 18th-century materialist philosophy, as well as Sade's impact on later feminist pro-sex authors like Virginie Despentes and Morgane Merteuil and…

Valentina Irena Denzel

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Valentina Denzel received her doctoral degree at Paris Diderot University (Paris 7) in comparative literature. Her primary field of research is seventeenth- and eighteenth-century French literature. In her book Les mille et un visages de la virago.…

Medicine in the Boudoir: Sade and Moral Hygiene in Post-Thermidorean France

Situates Sade's work into the cultural and intellectual context during the Age of Enlightenment by focusing on Sade's engaged approach to scientific culture, epistemology and social reforms and analyzes his medical appropriation of these…

Intersections. A Reading of Sade with Bataille, Blanchot, and Klossowksi

Argues that Sade undermines hierarchical distinctions which, according to Gallop, are the foundations of Western philosophy. In his works, Sade deconstructs sexual hierarchies and conventions, gender binarism, as well as the distinction between…

Sade: Queer Theorist

Examines Sade's multifaceted depiction of sexual desire, gender and biological sex and links this representation to queer theories which help better understand Sade's denial of binary representations of sexuality. The polyphonic definitions of…

L’indisable et l’obscène : Flaubert, Sade et la loi. A propos de Bouvard et Pécuchet

Argues that Gustave Flaubert's unfinished satirical novel Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881) is more transgressive in its un-making of the concept of law and order than in the works of his literary model Sade. According to Pellegrini, both authors attack the…

Sade/Surreal. Der Marquis de Sade und die erotische Fantasie des Surrealismus in Text und Bild

Explores Sade's impact on the political surrealist art movement in Europe, especially before the 1930s. Sade was hailed for what the surrealists perceived to be his atheistic, materialist, nihilistic and individualistic anarchism that appealed to…

Sade: From Materialism to Pornography

Examines influences of materialist philosophers of the Enlightenment on Sade's thinking and writing and how Sade adapts these various philosophies to create his own transgressive approach to materialism. In so doing, Warman shows how violence,…